
Today’s laptop is yesterday’s chalkboard. Imagine, if you dare, your child’s school not having the technology to teach. Unfortunately, there are schools in WNY with just this unthinkable crisis.
Hearing of restricted visitation policies at senior care facilities has unfortunately become all too familiar these days. While the spread of COVID-19 necessitates these safety precautions, families of those who reside in these facilities are finding that maintaining ongoing contact with their loved ones and those who care for them can often be difficult.
We were honored to be featured in Good Housekeeping and Woman's Day Magazine.
My perception of old age is inextricably linked to my grandmother. When I was a kid, I thought this 65-year-old, white-haired woman whose entire body wobbled when she walked was very old. Now that I’m 66, my personal perception — or perhaps, misperception — of old age has changed. I suspect I’ve got lots of company.
Everybody likes having choices. But, sometimes too many choices can be overwhelming. That’s why making decisions about health coverage can be pretty daunting. Since many people have had the same type of commercial insurance through their employers for years, it’s natural for people to feel confused in figuring out their options once they’re eligible for Medicare.
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